Summer Storm Preparedness: Securing Your Garage Door Against Severe Weather

As summer approaches, so does the potential for severe weather. Hurricanes, high winds, thunderstorms, and severe weather can put your entire property at risk, and garage door damage is no different. It is imperative to keep your garage door fortified against these agents of destruction in order to protect your household and property. In this guide, the York Garage Door Guys are going to share some critical tips on preparing your garage door for the summer storms that are coming right around the corner.

Give your garage door a complete checkup: Take the time to check your garage door thoroughly before summer storms roll in. This includes cracks, gaps and loose hardware. Specifically, take a look at the weatherstripping and seals around the door, as these are prone to wearing down over time and may compromise the door’s integrity.

Strengthen weak spots: Identify any weak structural parts of garage door and reinforce them. It can include adding bracing or supports to wind vulnerable areas. If you live in a storm-prone area, consider installing a reinforcement kit or upgrading to a storm-resistant garage door.

Secure loose items: Remove anything loose from your garage that could fly during a storm. That includes lawn furniture, tools and other equipment. Fasten larger immovable things like shelving units or bicycles to other objects so they don’t go crashing through structures if they get loose in high winds.

Install wind-resistant features: Something you can do to your garage door to make it hold up in harsher weather is to implement wind-resistant features. It might be installing impact-resistant glass windows, reinforcing the tracks and rollers, or adding a bottom seal to mitigate water intrusion in heavy rain.

Garage door maintenance: Regular maintenance is needed to properly operating your garage door throughout the year. Before summer season arrives, schedule a professional inspection and tune-up, where any issues can be addressed and it’s ensured your door is in good working condition. Lubricate moving parts, tighten hardware and replace worn components as needed to keep things from breaking down during a storm.

Source backup power: Having a backup power source for your garage door opener is useful in the event of a power outage during a summer storm. You might also want to consider adding a battery backup or generator so that you can open and close your garage door safely, even with power out.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to prepare your garage door for summer storms. By following these tips from the York Garage Door Guys, you can help reduce your risk of damage and protect your family and home during weather extremes. Just keep an eye out, keep your garage door maintained, and purchase some upgrades to make sure that it is prepared for whatever the weather throws at it!

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